
Thanks so much for your interest in the GO-GN network! Please read through the following information before applying to join us.  

We have two types of GO-GN member:  

  1. Current doctoral researchers working on open education 

GO-GN’s primary focus is supporting doctoral researchers working on open education topics. You can find out more about the different ways we support our doctoral members on our About page.   

To be a doctoral researcher member of the network you must be both: 

  • Registered on a doctoral programme (EdD, PhD)  
  • Your doctoral research be directly related to an open education topic.  

In addition to receiving regular newsletters and our monthly online events, as a GO-GN doctoral researcher you can apply to participate in our funded activities. These include workshops, conferences and our scholarship scheme. You can also become an affiliated member of ALT and take up our Reclaim Hosting offer. 

Please note that GO-GN cannot provide supervision or organise a doctoral programme for you. We are also unable to offer financial support for your doctorate fees.  

  1. Anyone else! 

As a network, with our doctoral researcher members at the core, GO-GN also comprises of a wider community of practice of experts, supervisors, interested parties and friends of the network. If you are interested in keeping abreast of the latest in emerging research on open education, GO-GN’s activities and want to stay connected, then please join us!  

You might be:  

  • Studying for a doctorate (EdD/PhD) but not working directly on open education  
  • A master student considering a doctorate  
  • An expert, researcher, advocate, supervisor or educator with an interest in open education 
  • Interested in open education, open practices and open research. 

As a member of the wider GO-GN community you will receive regular newsletters and invites to participate in our online activities including webinars.  

Go to membership form
