
GO-GN Theses

Algers, A. (2015). Open Learning in Life Sciences: studies of open educational resources in animal welfare and work-based learning in food science. Chalmers University of Technology & University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Bentley, P. A. (2021) Variation in Australian teachers’ experience of professional learning through open education. University of Southern Queensland, Australia.

Bordin, C. (2019). Interaction Design Consciousness and Action: Open Educational Resources and Practices for Hope. The Federal University of Technology – Paraná, Brazil

Bozkurt, A. (2016). Identifying interaction patterns and teacher-learner roles in connectivist massive open online courses. Anadolu University, Turkey.

Cáceres Piñuel, M. (2016). Educación Online Superior y Abierta: ¿(R)evolución en la Formación Universitaria? Retos y Oportunidades de los MOOCs (Massive Open online Courses) para la Formación Superior Europea en la Sociedad de la Información. UNED, Spain.

Cardoso, P. (2017). Open Educational Practices in public Higher Education in Portugal – from Theory to Practice: Open Educational Resources and Open Access. Universidade Aberta, Portugal.

Chtena, N. (2019). From Codex to Bits: Discourses, Practices and Materialities in the Open Textbook Phenomenon. UCLA, USA.

Coelho, D. (2019). Mapping the Field of Development Education in Portugal: Narratives and Challenges in a De/Post/Colonial Context. University of Porto, Portugal

Cox, G. (2016). Explaining the relations between culture, structure and agency in lecturers’ contribution and non-contribution to Open Educational Resources in a higher education institution. University of Cape Town, South Africa.

Cronin, C. (2018). Openness and praxis: A situated study of academic staff meaning-making and decision-making with respect to openness and use of open educational practices in higher education. National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.

Elyas, T. (2022). Considering the Implications and Mechanisms of Scale within Open Education. University of Calgary, Canada.

Essmiller, K. (2021). Locating and using OER with OpenOKState and Pressbooks. Oklahoma State University, USA.

Funk. J. (2020). Open for whom? Open educational practice with Indigenous workforce development and learners. Charles Darwin University, Australia.

Gore, H. (2018). Engagement of Learners Undertaking MOOCs and the Impact of Design. The Open University, UK.

Hayman, J. (2018). Open is an Invitation: Exploring Use of Open Educational Resources with Ontario Post-Secondary Educators. Arizona State University, USA.

Iniesto, F. (2020). An Investigation into the accessibility of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The Open University, UK

Jordan, K. (2016). Understanding the structure and role of academics’ ego-networks on social networking sites. The Open University, UK.

Lambert, S. (2019).  Open education as social justice. Deakin University, Australia

Nerantzi, C. (2017). Towards a cross-boundary collaborative open learning framework for cross-institutional academic development.Edinburgh Napier University, UK.

Nkuyubwatsi, B. (2016). Opening up higher education in Rwanda: The potential contribution of extension Massive Open Online Courses (xMOOCs), Open Educational Resources (OER) units in the MIT Open Courseware and different stakeholders. University of Leicester, UK.

Oddone, K. (2019). Teachers’ experience of professional learning through personal learning network. Queensland University of Technology, Australia.

Papathoma, T (2019). MOOC Educators: Who They Are And How They Learn. The Open University, UK.

Paskevicius, M. (2018). Exploring educators experiences implementing open educational practice. University of Victoria, Canada

Pete, J. (2019) Open Education Resources Differentiation: A cross-country study on Differentiation in Access, Use and Sharing of (Open) Educational Resources at Universities in Kenya, Ghana and South Africa. The Open University, The Netherlands

Pima, J. (2018.). Factors that motivate Teachers to use ICT in Teaching: A Case of Kaliua District Secondary Schools in Tanzania. Coventry University, UK.

Prasad, D. (2016). Open Textbook Development and Learning Analytics. Kumamoto University, Japan.

Pulker, H. (2019). Teacher’s Practices through Adaptation of Open Educational Resources for Online Language Teaching. EdD thesis. The Open University. , UK

Rabin, E. (2021). Through the Lens of the Learner: Using Learning Analytics to Predict Learner-Centered Outcomes in Massive Open Online Courses. Open Universiteit, The Netherlands.

Rets, I. (2021). Linguistic accessibility of Open Educational Resources: Text Simplification As An Aid To Non-native Readers Of English. The Open University, UK

Rikers, J. (2017). Education for Development. Exploring the potential of innovations in education, in particular in the Kenyan context.Open Universiteit, The Netherlands.

Roberts, V. (2019). Open Educational Practices (OEP): Design-based Research on Expanded High School learning Environments, Spaces, and Experiences. University of Calgary, Canada.

Rodés Paragarino, V. (2019). Una teoría fundamentada sobre la adopción de repositorios y recursos educativos abiertos en universidades latinoamericanas. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain,

Sangeeta, T. (2018). A Critique of MOOC’s Development and An Empirical Exploration of MOOC Users With special reference to India. IIFT, India

Santosh, S. (2017). A Study into Policy Status and Use of Open Education Resources in Distance Education and Training Institutes in India . IGNOU, India

Sanzgiri, J. (2020). MOOCs for Development? A Study of Indian Learners and their Experiences in Massive Open Online Courses. The Open University, UK.

Spica, E. (2021). Through the Lens of Equity: Impacts of Course Material Costs for Tennessee Community College Students, University of Tenesse, US

Shukie, P. (2018). A participatory action research investigation into an open, online Community Project exploring how teaching and learning occur in a non institutional, non-specialist, technology enhanced learning environment. Lancaster University, UK.

Tabuenca, B. (2015). Ubiquitous technology for lifelong learners. Open Universiteit, The Netherlands.

Truong, V. (2021). Factors influencing the development of institutional Open Educational Resource repositories in Vietnam. Monash University, Australia.

Vladimirschi, V. (2018). Professional Development Guidelines for OER: A Case Study of Brazilian Fundamental Education Public School Teachers. Athabasca University, Canada.

Wang, Y. (2017). Demystifying Learner Success: Before, During, and After a Massive Open Online Course. Columbia University, USA.
