Webinar: Policy Recommendations on Open Education in Europe
At the beginning of this year the European Commission released the report Going Open: Policy Recommendations on Open Education in Europe (OpenEdu Policies). Andreia Inamorato dos Santos, Scientific Officer at the EU Science Hub, has kindly accepted our invitation to talk about it at this month’s webinar. Here you have the details.
Open education is an increasingly important part of how educational institutions deliver their public mission and commit to increased quality and more effective education, and it is also a potential means of achieving social inclusion and equal opportunities. Open educational practices provide paths for educational institutions to be more accountable to society, they modernise education by embracing the use of digital technologies, and they also promote transparent strategies. Going open is a process for all involved: institutions, learners and society. It depends on creating both digital and non-digital opportunities to make education more collaborative, more transparent and more inclusive. Open education needs support from policies, via a multi-stakeholder approach, that can act systemically to further advance open education in Member States and create an “open education ecosystem”.
Andreia Inamorato dos Santos joined JRC in September 2013. Her role involves research and policy support on ‘ICT for Learning, Skills and Open Educational Resources (OER)’. Her work contributes to finding opportunities and challenges of ICT and OER implementation at a policy level to innovate and modernise teaching, learning and training practices in Europe. Her current focus is on the promotion and uptake of openness in higher education institutions and Member States. Read more here.
This webinar will take place on April 11th at 16.00 CET.
Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com
To enter the webinar room please go to https://gognoer.clickmeeting.com/aidossantos. If you are joining us via a mobile device, when prompted enter Room ID: 495-576-697 and/or Participant PIN 397991#
The event will be recorded and available under a CC BY license on GO-GN’s YouTube channel.
Featured image by Martin Grincevschi on Unsplash