2018 GO-GN Award Winners
We are delighted to announce the winners of the 2018 GO-GN Awards for Best Open Education Research Paper and Best Open Research Practice, recognising the tremendous work of GO-GN members researching open education and being open practitioners.
The Award for Best Open Education Research Paper goes to Glenda Cox for ‘Institutional Culture and OER Policy: How Structure, Culture, and Agency Mediate OER Policy Potential in South African Universities‘, co-authored with Henry Trotter and published in the International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL).
An Honorable Mention is given to Aras Bozkurt for ‘Community Tracking in a cMOOC and Nomadic Learner Behavior Identification on a Connectivist Rhizomatic Learning Network‘, co-authored with Sarah Honeychurch, Autumn Caines, Maha Bali, Apostolos Koutropoulos and Dave Cormier, and published in the Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE).
The Award for Best Open Research Practice goes to Chrissi Nerantzi, one of the most generous women in the world of open education and beyond.
Congratulations to all the winners. They will be presented with their awards (and prize money) at an informal gathering of GO-GN family and friends on Sunday, April 22nd in Delft.
I take this opportunity to thank the members of the Awards Committee (Dominic Orr, Una Daly and the OERH team) and all GO-GNers who submitted an entry. The call for the 2019 Awards will be open in May.
Remixable Thinkery by Bryan Mathers, CC BY-SA. Remix your own at http://sandbox.wapisasa.com/remix?oer.