3 pineapples surrounded by party elements to indicate celebrating the three webinars

Webinar dates for your diary

3 pineapples surrounded by party elements to indicate celebrating the three webinars
Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on Unsplash

The GO-GN webinars are back! Rejoice!

We’re trying something a bit different with the format, so have scheduled the next three in advance. Please enter them in your diaries now. They are as ever, open to all, but the drop-in session is primarily aimed at GO-GN doctoral researchers. We’re back with the First Wednesday of the Month scheduling also. I’ll provide more details in separate posts nearer the time, but for now, you can just note the time and place

Wed 3rd July 4.pm UK Time – Open Textbooks

GO-GN’s very own Beck Pitt will present on the UK open textbooks project. More details in the next post. Link: https://gognoer.clickmeeting.com/opentextbooks

Wednesday 7th August 4pm – Research drop-in session

I (Martin) will run a session for any GO-GN researcher just to drop in, discuss any problems, shoot the breeze with other researchers, or just update us on progress. If there is a particular topic you want to discuss, let me know on Twitter. Link: https://gognoer.clickmeeting.com/augustdropin

Wednesday 4th September 2pm – ALT-C connecting

I’ll be at the ALT-C conference in Edinburgh this week, so totally pinching the idea off Virtually Connecting, we will run a GO-GN session from here. I’ll try to round up some GO-GNers who are in attendance, and they can share their thoughts of the conference from a GO-GN perspective with those who are not there. Link: https://gognoer.clickmeeting.com/altc

These three types of session – expert speaker, informal research therapy and conference reporting are ones we’d like to explore, so please try to make it along. They’re an experiment so we’ll see how they go and will welcome your feedback on how useful they are or any tweaks we can make to them.

Martin Weller

I am the Director of the GO-GN project, based at the Open University.

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