Webinar: Who should have a voice in research? Exploring synergies between open and engaged research practices
For the next webinar, we are delighted to host the Open University’s Professor Rick Holliman as the next speaker. Rick is an expert in open science and public engagement and leads the OU’s work on engaging research. Join us on Wednesday 7th November, 4pm GMT, if you can.
Rick has written a brief background to his talk, as follows:
Who should have a voice in research? Exploring synergies between open and engaged research practices
Much has been written over the past 10 years about engaged academic practices. In the main, this literature has focused on the theoretical and practical implications of engaging publics, stakeholders and end-users as a pathway to generating impacts from research. The open research agenda has raised similar questions about the ways in which research can and should be conducted. In this webinar, I will draw on research-informed approaches undertaken at the Open University to develop a strategy for engaged research. In so doing, I will explore synergies with the open research agenda and the potential to build capacity in open and engaged research. I will argue that open and engaged practices offer a complementary pathway to delivering excellence in research, whilst also improving the quality of outputs derived from it for different participants in the process.
Richard is Professor of Engaged Research at the Open University (OU), UK. Through his academic work he examines tensions between theories and practices of knowledge exchange by evaluating examples where researchers and ‘publics’ have sought to (co)produce impacts derived from research. In combining research and practice through this work, he has developed the concept of engaged research, a principled approach to co-constructing ‘publics’ (stakeholders, end-users and members of the public) to work reflexively in meaningful ways to generate, reflect on and evidence social and economic impacts. He has argued most recently that engaged research should have a moral imperative to act as a route to promoting epistemic justice, or ‘fairness in knowing’. For his publications select: http://oro.open.ac.uk/view/person/rmh47.html. To access the OU’s Engaging Research blog, select: http://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/per.
The webinar will take place on Wednesday 7th November 2018, 4pm GMT
Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com
We will use Clickmeeting: https://gognoer.clickmeeting.com/rick-holliman
(Room ID: 751-133-462, PIN 937924# if needed)
The webinar is open to all, it will be recorded and released under a CC BY license on GO-GN’s YouTube channel