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Fellows Research Special: the end of the Fellowship Scheme!

Our November webinar is confirmed and will happen on Monday 21 November at 16.00 (GMT). In this session, we will have a round table with the third cohort of fellows: Viviane Vladimirschi, Catherine Cronin and Michael Paskevicius. We will be launching the awesome “GO-GN Fellowship Reflections Report” where we analyse the GO-GN fellowship scheme started in 2020 and fellows reflect on their experience.

The programme is as follows:

  • 16:00 Welcome
  • 16:10 Round table with the Third Cohort, guests are: Viviane Vladimirschi, Catherine Cronin and Michael Paskevicius, who will briefly present their projects and provide feedback about their fellowship experience. We then have an open conversation inviitng the audience to encourage future proposals.
  • 17:00 Launch of the report and the recordings of the interviews with fellows. We will close with the visualisation of the GO-GN fellowship impact video.
  • 17:30 Close

Join the session here!

Get to know more about the 2020-2022 fellowship scheme.

Header image by John Cameron in Unsplash

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