GO-GN Handbook of Open Research
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The GO-GN Open Research Handbook

We are pleased to share with you The GO-GN Open Research Handbook!

This publication brings together materials from our Research Methods Handbook, Conceptual Frameworks Guide, and Research Reviews. One feature of our publications in this area are the shared experiences of our researchers who have used specific methods in their work. So, within these pages can be found a wealth of knowledge and insight for the aspiring open education researcher. There’s also a lot of general guidance to be found here even if you aren’t focused on open education in your research.

This is the version of record for the last three years of collaborative writing in GO-GN and will be the basis for future updates and revisions. We don’t claim that the Handbook is the ultimate and comprehensive guide to everything research, but it is intended to provide a general, accessible introduction to doing research in the open education space. Also included are a range of excepts from other openly licensed materials relevant to open researchers.

Suggested citation: Farrow, R. (ed.), Weller, M., Pitt, R., Iniesto, F., Algers, A., Almousa, S., Baas, M., Bentley, P., Bozkurt, A., Butler, W., Cardoso, P., Chtena., N., Cox, G.,  Czerwonogora, A., Dabrowski, M.T., Derby, R., DeWaard, H., Elias, T., Essmiller, K., Funk, J., Hayman, J., Helton, E., Huth, K., Hutton, S. C., Iyinolakan, O., Johnson, K. R., Jordan, K., Kuhn, C., Lambert, S., Mittelmeier, J., Nagashima, T., Nerantzi, C., O’Reilly, J., Paskevicius, M., Peramunugamage, A., Pete, J., Power, V., Pulker, H.,  Rabin, E., Rets, I., Roberts, V., Rodés, V., Sousa, L., Spica, E., Vizgirda, V., Vladimirschi, V., & Witthaus, G. (2023). The GO-GN Open Research Handbook. Global OER Graduate Network / Open Education Research Hub. https://go-gn.net/gogn_outputs/open-research-handbook/

You can also download in ePub format from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Drms6P2LPgKtAvszGRKYFjM6hCYqi6OK/view?usp=sharing. (The formating here might be erratic but this version may be useful for remixing and accessibility requirements.)

The GO-GN Open Research Handbook is available for use under a Creative Commons CC-BY-4.0 licence.
