@GOGN_OER Days in Krakow, Poland 10-11 April 2016
Day 1 of our GO-GN event arrived! It all started with a lively icebreaker. It really was a lovely way to help us start talking with others and spot connections and specific interest…
Evening Kraków, GO-GN calling!
Preparations are well under way for the fifth GO-GN seminar in Kraków on April 10th & 11th, just ahead of the Open Education Global Conference 2016. Nine PhD candidates have been funded to…
What happened when we put 14 PhD researchers inside an IKEA hotel
After Cape Town in 2013 and 2017, Ljubljana and Washington in 2014, Banff in 2015 and Kraków in 2016, in April 2018 fourteen GO-GN researchers, the OERHub team and a handful of GO-GN…
Two and a half days in Cape Town
After Ljubljana and Washington in 2014, Banff in 2015 and Kraków last year, we returned to where the first ever GO-GN seminar took place in 2013. This is the story of two and…
#GO_GN goes to Cape Town, see you there ;)
Reblogged post from Chrissi Nerantzi – read the full post at https://chrissinerantzi.wordpress.com/2017/01/31/go_gn-goes-to-cape-town-see-you-there/ I feel very fortunate to be a member of the Global OER Graduate Network since September 2015. Thanks to GO-GN I have…
Bye bye 2016, hello 2017
Whether you agree or not with me that 2016 has been a funny auld year, it’s true that we have a lot to celebrate. So here we are, a year in (brief) review.…
Sustainability and Open Ed Research: The question of post-PhD careers in Open Education
A few days ago I attended the first workshop at my university’s School of Education hosted by our new Associate Dean of Research. The topic was “Building a Foundation for a Program of Research: Navigating…
Fast, ahead and direct: The benefit of participation in open scholars’ networks
Networking has been one of the enabler of 21st century competence emphasized at the Global Open Education conference held in Krakow in April 2016. Many tended to argue that the university is the…
Webinar: The Open Research Agenda
This month’s webinar will focus on results from an ongoing consultation exercise being held by OER Hub this year to gather information and perspectives on priorities in open education research. GO-GN members present…
I opened, OpenEd, an opening
What a trip. I mean that in not just the literal sense, a trip across the Atlantic Ocean is something I haven’t done in over 12 years. I also mean a trip in the jocular…