10th Anniversary Workshop,  Featured,  gogn,  Research

GO-GN at 10: Strategic Review

In 2023 GO-GN celebrated 10 years since the creation of our network! We ran a few different activities around this to reflect on the achievements of the last decade and refresh our strategic perspective. The main activity was our extended workshop which took place in Edmonton, Canada ahead of the Open Education Global 2023 conference.

Looking Forward, Looking Back

You can read reflective blog posts on the workshop by our members using the following links: [1] [2] [3]

We are pleased to announce that we have now completed the write up of the many different perspectives and insights that were offered to us during this consultation and listening exercise! Another benefit of doing this work was that we have been able to capture a basic history for GO-GN since its inception.

This report rehearses the development, growth and acheivements of the network and offers a critical commentary on possible future directions from here. GO-GN now has almost 200 members who are doctoral/post-doctoral researchers and, as the network scales up, some of the approaches taken may need to evolve in recognition of this. Focus areas for open education have also changed, with OER and MOOC perhaps being less dominant than they were 10 years ago, and many are looking forward to the impact of AI on open practice. Alongside this, there is also a growing interest in social justice and decolonisation as dimensions of open education among our doctoral researchers.

While the report does not specify a future strategy for GO-GN so much as highlight potential futures and strategic directions, we trust that it will provide both a useful introduction to the network for those who are new and a solid foundation for thinking clearly and collaboratively about future activities and priorities.

Many thanks to all those who contributed! Additional thanks to Hewlett Foundation for providing additional funding that facilitated a large scale workshop with more than 40 participants.

Download the report

Suggested citation: Farrow, R., Bossu, C., Pitt, R., Weller, M., Ashman, M., Bozkurt, A., Eldridge, B., Hayman, J., Iniesto, F., Johnson, K. R., Nerantzi, C., Pete, J. & Schuwer, R. (2024). GO-GN at 10: Strategic Review. Global OER Graduate Network. Available from https://go-gn.net/gogn_outputs/go-gn-at-10-strategic-review/.
