Resources: Writing for Research
Writing for Research is a blog that draws together resources intended to help with the process of writing and publishing research. There’s a lot of useful stuff on there. Here’s a sample of some of the recent entries to provide a flavour:
Structuring and writing academic papers – this was the entry that caught my eye online. There are suggested recipes here for how to structure a paper, and different models for building arguments. Even if you don’t agree with all of the approaches you’ll probably find the ideas interesting.
Thirty one things to consider when choosing which journal to submit your paper to sets out a few things to think about and suggests collecting data on important factors. (Maybe building a database like this would be a good GO-GN project?)
There’s an entry on literature reviews which has some advice on making the process more efficient by using digital tools. Another article focuses on academic blogging.
One thing I really like about the approach taken by the site is that it’s pretty even handed rather than endorsing any one particular orthodoxy. Prof. Patrick Dunleavy, a political scientists at the London School of Economics, is the site curator. He wrote a book that I found pretty useful when I was writing up my own PhD by getting me to focus on the real practicalities.
Another site that may be worth your time to explore is the published by Joelle Vandermensbrugghe at The University of Canberra. Some of the information is institutionally specific, but there’s also quite a lot of useful general advice there. Interestingly, both of these sites have a similar provenance, having been developed from resources compiled over several years of working with groups of graduate students.
If you have any other resources or reflections to share feel free to add them to the comments below.