The Ecology of Open Educational Practice in Australian higher education (5 July 2023)
We’re delighted that GO-GN’er Adrian Stagg (University of Southern Queensland) will join us on Wednesday 5 July 2023 at 10.30am BST to discuss The Ecology of Open Educational Practice (OEP) in Australian higher education.
Abstract: Understanding OEP as an individual, or institutional practice necessitates an investigation of complex and nuanced relationships between practitioners and their environment. Using Bronfenbrenner’s Theory of Human Development, this research takes a mixed methods, bounded case study approach to framing OEP within an institutional ecology that not only maps the existing state of practice, but also provides a transferable framework for wider investigation, strategic planning, and advocacy. This webinar will present the background, approach, and resulting ecological framework and discuss the implications and resulting ‘calls to action’ arising from the research.
Bio: Adrian Stagg (@OpenKuroko) is the Manager (Open Educational Practice) for the University of Southern Queensland. His career has included both public and academic libraries, and positions as a Learning Technologist, and eLearning Designer. He submitted his Doctoral thesis to the University of Tasmania in June 2023, and his research areas include the ecology of open educational practice; and higher education policy as it relates ton OEP. Adrian is an active member of the open education community through the Australasian OEP Special Interest Group (ASCILITE), OERu, Creative Commons, and facilitates the USQ Open Education Staff Scholarships Scheme. In 2023 his institutional work in OEP was recognised by a team AAUT Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning.
Picture credits: Humans of the Commons at the Creative Commons Global Summit 2018 by Sebastiaan ter Burg is licensed CC BY 2.0.